Today, September 29, marks a year since we published our biography of Depeche Mode’s ‘Violator’ era.
We wanted to mark the occasion by simply saying thank you to everyone who has bought the book in paperback, left a lovely review (the majority of you!), got in touch with your anecdotes about this amazing period in Depeche Mode’s history or, in the case of our co-author David, made a point of coming up to say “HELLO!” at many of the recent gigs.
We worked through this project with a heady mixture of excitement, intrigue and nerves over the book’s impact on fans, trepidation about the publishing process (it is NOT easy) and pride that we’d created something that we believed was meaningful about the history of Depeche Mode.
Within a few months of releasing ‘Halo’, we signed a deal to produce a German version (unveiled in April this year) and we have since been approached by other regional publishers to create versions in additional languages.
Watch this space…
We were number one on the Amazon bookseller charts for music biographies for a few weeks after the initial release (gulp) and one of Germany’s biggest media outlets had Halo in its top 20 paperbacks in April.
The release of ‘Halo’ has coincided rather handily with “devotees” mobilised once more around their favourite band following the release of ‘Memento Mori’ – an album and tour that has won praise from many critics and energised old and new fans alike.
We are incredibly proud of what we achieved with ‘Halo’ and, once again, want to send our heartfelt thanks to our original publisher Grosvenor House and German publisher Hannibal Verlag, over 20 people who gave up their time to talk with us, our friends and families, all of the fans who contributed and especially to the thousands who have since bought the book.
Thank you.
David and Kev x